Legislative Advocacy

Fund Supported Living!
Supported Living programs throughout Washington are 99% funded by the state and federal government. It is vital that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities are able to be successfully supported in the community. It is vital that Direct Support Professionals can continue to work in Supported Living and earn a living wage.
Are you a DSP, an individual served by a Supported Living provider, a family member or legal guardian of a person served by a Supported Living Provider, a disabilities advocate or stakeholder, a provider of Supported Living services? If so, take action! Participate in advocacy efforts and contact those who can make changes - tell them your story, why and how this crisis impacts you or someone you care about, and ask them to make solving this crisis their number one priority.
What can you do about it? Advocate for adequate funding for Supported Living and DSP wages!
- Contact your Legislators - write, email, call - find your district and Legislators HERE
- Meet with your Legislators in person - HOUSE and SENATE
- Contact the Governor's office HERE
- Attend the Supported Living Advocacy Day & Rally on February 20, 2019
- SHARE YOUR STORY on this DSP Crisis site - DSPs, Individuals with ID/DD, Families, Guardians, Providers, Advocates, & Stakeholders
- Stay active in your advocacy - return to our DSP Crisis site for "call to action" updates and take action
- Volunteer your skills & time - contact us to discuss your ideas